
For Candidates

BallotReady makes every effort to collect comprehensive, accurate, and nonpartisan information on every candidate in order to help voters cast informed votes on the entire ballot.


We have spent extensive time developing standardized systems to ensure we treat every candidate equally in terms of research collected and displayed. Specifically, we collect information from candidate websites and endorsing organizations. Every piece of information is linked back to its source.

At the same time, we realize that we - like democracy - are imperfect, and we welcome feedback and comments from candidates and campaigns in order to provide the most accurate information for voters. Candidate websites are constantly evolving, and the information we have collected may have come from an earlier version of a website. For a more detailed guide of our research process, please reference our research process page.

Please submit a ticket below with your candidate information. We will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for helping us create a more informed democracy!

Browse election information by state

  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. Arkansas
  5. California
  6. Colorado
  7. Connecticut
  8. Delaware
  9. District of Columbia
  10. Florida
  11. Georgia
  12. Hawaii
  13. Idaho
  14. Illinois
  15. Indiana
  16. Iowa
  17. Kansas
  18. Kentucky
  19. Louisiana
  20. Maine
  21. Maryland
  22. Massachusetts
  23. Michigan
  24. Minnesota
  25. Mississippi
  26. Missouri
  27. Montana
  28. Nebraska
  29. Nevada
  30. New Hampshire
  31. New Jersey
  32. New Mexico
  33. New York
  34. North Carolina
  35. North Dakota
  36. Ohio
  37. Oklahoma
  38. Oregon
  39. Pennsylvania
  40. Rhode Island
  41. South Carolina
  42. South Dakota
  43. Tennessee
  44. Texas
  45. Utah
  46. Vermont
  47. Virginia
  48. Washington
  49. West Virginia
  50. Wisconsin
  51. Wyoming