Currently holds the office of Maine House of Representatives - District 105 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for Maine House of Representatives - District 105 in 2024 Maine General Election.
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Get StartedI support the Maine Democrats' Platform particularly around the issues of Choice, Freedom, Equality, Health and Safety. Learn more
I will work to keep Maine’s children and their families safe, educated and healthy through bipartisan legislation. I support and trust our educators to teach our children about history and science based on facts. Learn more
I will work for a clean environment and a sustainable energy future by supporting solar, wind, geothermal, tidal energy sources, and use of EVs. Learn more
If re-elected one of my top priorities will be making Maine’s trail systems more accessible to all Mainers even those in the more urban/suburban areas. Learn more
I firmly believe in public health and strong prevention initiatives. As a retired nurse practitioner, I know prevention is far easier and more effective than treating illness. Learn more
I will be a strong advocate for affordable health care, including lowering the cost of prescription drugs and health insurance coverage for all. Learn more
If re-elected I will continue my work in the house to ensure our state’s kids and teens have access to the behavioral care they need so they can live their best lives. Learn more
I will fight to keep property taxes affordable. I will work to ensure that our communities receive fair state revenue sharing, state funding programs such as those that support affordable housing and federal dollars through the American Recovery Act. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.