Currently holds the office of Maine House of Representatives - District 103 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for Maine House of Representatives - District 103 in 2024 Maine General Election.
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Get StartedWe need to educate our students to have the skills necessary to perform the jobs of the future, so these kids can come back and afford to live in Yarmouth. Learn more
I care about the environment…climate change is the biggest challenge we face on the planet. How do we continue to grow, and at the same time live sustainably? I have helped First Parish Church install 128 solar panels; I am fully supportive of the solar farm initiative; and I have spent the past 5 years studying the Royal River, trying to understand how we can restore the Royal to its natural health, and improve not only the watershed but also the health of Casco Bay. Learn more
I care about the aging population…we need to allow our elders to mature affordably and to provide services and build opportunities for them to be a contributing part of our community. Learn more
I care about Property taxes…we need to broaden our tax base, using tools like TIF financing to attract businesses to Yarmouth; we need to explore ways to make the Wyman Station property more valuable, and become a job creator. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.