Currently holds the office of Tennessee House of Representatives - District 25 until November 3, 2026.
Candidate for Tennessee House of Representatives - District 25 in 2024 Tennessee General Election.
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Get StartedWe can be smart on crime but not at the expense of safer communities. Not at the expense of law enforcement and not at the expense of our judicial system. Compassion is a great quality – but not if it jeopardizes public safety. Truth in sentencing laws are designed to hold violent and repeat offenders totally accountable for their actions, reducing the possibility of early release and keeping bad individuals off of our streets. Truth in sentencing is clear, concise and easy to understand. It may cost some additional money and resources. But getting away from a 5 means 2 mentality and starting a 5 means 5 sends a strong message to criminals and an even stronger message to those who protect and serve us that we stand with you. Learn more
We must have a disciplined focus on k-3 rd through targeted investments, retaining and incentivizing the best educators to teach in this important area, fully funding the RTI program and creating uniformity through best practices, as well as a mastery of skills that are narrow and deep, instead of wide and shallow. I also think it is important to expand the Imagination Library program from its current birth to age five model – to a birth to 3rd grade model. Learn more
Our primary focus must be on improving early childhood literacy rates across this state – every year that we wait, is another that our students are falling. Learn more
Some people don’t think it is possible to have a free, competitive healthcare system. I believe we can, but we must be disciplined and patient. Cost transparency, improved access, and less government intervention will help yield better outcomes and promote affordability. We must strive to create a healthcare system that empowers patients and providers, not 3rd party administrators. Currently, a huge problem is the fact that some of the players are acting and behaving like ‘big brother.’ There really are no checks and balances, and everything is considered privileged information – even information about taxpayer funded services. I am against government run healthcare for all, but if we think about it, isn’t our healthcare system just an insurance company monopoly……they have absolute control over the marketplace – the insurance plans – the pricing, they send out more mandates than the government, they own the big pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs), own pharmacies, and even some of the EMS companies. This sounds like a start to a utopian monopoly. Is it too late to change course or change direction? No; however, there is no single solution to fixing healthcare, it is too vast, too complex, and competition is being stifled. The things that have made our economy great are not being utilized in healthcare – like true competition and an open marketplace. As we untangle this monopolistic approach – we can start opening access through tele-medicine, which is the gateway to bring specialized healthcare into our rural areas and a concept which insurance companies have fought for years. Bringing transparency to the reimbursement disparities for providers, transparency in costs through solutions like a public database, so patients can compare prices, and transparency of ownership in the healthcare marketplace are essential in transforming healthcare. Removing barriers to competition by redoing and eliminating the Certificate of Need laws is also an essential part of the fix. Finally, we must also determine what a basic healthcare plan is and what its intended use is. This healthcare monopoly wasn’t created overnight, so it will take time to correct. By controlling pricing, providing more access, and creating transparency – together, we can regain control of the healthcare torch and make it shine brighter for all patients. Learn more
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