Currently holds the office of Pennsylvania House of Representatives - District 21 until December 1, 2026.
Candidate for Pennsylvania House of Representatives - District 21 in 2024 Pennsylvania General Election.
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Get StartedJobs & the Economy - Our local economy is fueled by small businesses, entrepreneurs and workers. Pennsylvania needs to protect its workers by raising the minimum wage and making it easier to start and grow businesses in our district. Learn more
Working Families - Families across our districts are worried about keeping their heads above water and making sure that their children have a bright future ahead of them. I believe without addressing rising childcare costs, healthcare reform and addressing student debt, we are failing families in our community. Learn more
Housing - Every Pittsburgher should have access to safe and dignified housing. We must invest in building new and rehabbing existing housing to expand the city’s housing stock and create a city affordable to all. Learn more
Community Assets - Our community deserves beautiful and accessible spaces to enjoy. We need more active recreation centers, expanded resources for libraries, walkable green spaces, and investments in critical infrastructure. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.