Currently holds the office of Maine House of Representatives - District 95 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for Maine House of Representatives - District 95 in 2024 Maine General Election.
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Get StartedWe need more public education around drug policy that will save lives and promote safety and care. In addition, increased mental health services in Maine with more emphasis on treatment and recovery would provide alternatives to incarceration. Learn more
The government must pursue programs that incentivize living and working in Maine, especially for young people. This includes training young people for the jobs that Maine needs while also creating good-paying jobs and supporting small businesses that will provide long-term job security. Securing safe and affordable housing is also crucial to keeping young people in Maine. Learn more
Going through Lewiston public schools taught me how important inclusion is in schools and how being left out can really challenge students both in school and in the community. Maine needs to continue to work to support local schools with education funding and continue to develop diverse programs and options for students. Learn more
When I was knocking and getting signatures, some of these apartments were scary to even go up the stairs. Landlords need to make sure they are providing safe and secure housing, especially for folks with young kids or grandparents at home. I want to go to Augusta to advocate for policies that will support landlords and tenants. Having clean, safe, and affordable housing is such an important issue. Learn more
Making sure people with disabilities are able to live autonomously and thrive in our community requires expanding access and inclusion, both in the workplace and with housing and transportation. Learn more
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